Sensory Seekers

Sensory Seekers.

Children that present with difficulties processing information from their senses might appear over-responsive and/or under-responsive to certain types of sensory input. Over-responsive means that they are quick to notice information received from their senses or are highly aware. A little might seem like a lot to a child that is over- responsive. Under-responsive means that they do not notice and process information received from the senses as well. They often seek extra sensory input or they might need support from others to register sensory input. It is important to note that children can present differently. Some can be overresponsive to touch and avoid wearing tight clothes but they might also be underresponsive to movement and appear to be always in the go.
● Can be sensory sensitive
● Can be a sensory avoider
Sensory Sensitive:
Child registers information from the senses intensely but does not remove themselves from the situation. May appear easily distracted by noise, light, touch.
Sensory Avoider:
Child registers information from the senses intensely and actively avoids experiences. May avoid touch, situations with a lot going on, loud noises, textures of foods.
● Can be sensory seeker/Always on the go
● Can be slow to register sensory information/ lethargic/fatigue easily, bump into things easily
Sensory Seeker:
May appear always on the go, may chew and bite non-food items, may enjoy crashing, jumping, likely has difficulty sitting still.
Slow to register sensory input:
May have low arousal, fatigues easily, may appear slow to react and respond to information in their environment, can appear clumsy, may appear to bump into objects.

Tools that can help sensory seekers: 
1. Fidget toys

2. Chewlery

3. Hugs/deep pressure

4. Roll a therapy ball over the child with pressure from

their ankles to their shoulders  

5. Rolling on a peanut/therapy ball (

6. Chewy/crunchy foods

7. Swings

8. Balance boards (

9. Suckers (

10. Jump on a mini trampoline and crash into a bean bag/padded surface 

11. Wall press ups 

12. Wall sits 

13. Heavy work activities I.E. pushing a laundry basket across a room

14. Rolling in a prone position on a scooter board

15. Walk along a line heel to toe

16. Hopscotch  

17. Obstacle course

18. Squeeze therapy putty

19. Roll a weighted ball along a line or up a wall

20. Foot massage